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About us

The collaboration between the Employment Service and the 11 municipalities in Southwest Skåne has become a successful model for efficiency and cooperation in labor market issues. By combining resources and expertise, they have created a stronger strategy to support the residents in the region on their path to employment and self-sufficiency.

In Southwest Skåne, collaboration between the Employment Service and the 11 municipalities has become a model for efficiency and cooperation in labor market issues. By combining resources and expertise, they have developed a stronger and more targeted strategy to support residents in the region on their path to employment and self-sufficiency.

A central component of this collaboration is the exchange of information and knowledge. The Employment Service contributes with its deep understanding of the labor market and its contacts with employers, while the municipalities provide insights into local labor market structures and the needs of residents on an individual level. Through regular meetings and coordinated efforts, they can identify trends, needs, and opportunities in the labor market and adjust their services accordingly.

Another important aspect is offering tailored programs and interventions for different groups of job seekers. By combining the resources of the Employment Service with the municipalities' local knowledge, they can provide specialized assistance for youth, newcomers, people with disabilities, and other groups with specific needs and challenges in the labor market. This includes everything from language instruction and cultural integration to career guidance and internships.

Collaboration between the Employment Service and the municipalities also extends to the development and implementation of education programs and labor market projects. By combining resources, they can ultimately offer a broader range of educational opportunities and create programs tailored to meet the specific needs of the labor market in Southwest Skåne.

One of the major advantages of this collaboration is that it enables a quicker response to changes in the labor market. By maintaining close dialogue, the Employment Service and the municipalities can identify new needs and opportunities and swiftly adjust their interventions and services accordingly. This allows them to be flexible and proactive in supporting job seekers and employers in the region.

Finally, one of the most prominent success factors for the collaboration between the Employment Service and the municipalities is the strong commitment from all involved parties. By working together towards common goals and sharing resources and knowledge, they have created a culture of cooperation and mutual understanding that underpins their success.

In Southwest Skåne, collaboration between the Employment Service and the 11 municipalities has become a powerful tool for promoting employment and economic growth in the region. By combining their resources and expertise, they can offer tailored services and programs that support both job seekers and employers on the path to success.

Samverkan sydvästra Skåne

Sydvästra Skånes 11 kommuner och Arbetsförmedlingen - en gemensam kraft för tillväxt och sysselsättning!